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Welcome to the first patch! Okay, I know there was a patch to start with, but we’ll consider that patch-0. It had bare necessities to get our game up and running. This first patch actually contains all-out features, so be sure to read all the notes!

-                           There is a new launcher! Please read up on it- I’ve included not only its description, but instructions that are important! DO NOT SKIP the readme on this one folks! You will need the launcher to get the latest version of the game client, scripts that make the new stuff work, and all patches will be released through the launcher rather than the website and discord.

-                           We’ve added a multitude of handy items to help all our adventurers along the way. New druid forms, and new in-game shop. We already added XP and Rep potions in, patch-0, but now we’ve added XP Aura and Rep Aura! There are 2 new unique bags, runestones, reputation bags, new mage portals, riding tomes, and some helpful companions to make life easier.

-                           XP and Rep Aura: These powerful auras well help you and your friends tackle the challenge of leveling from 1-80 more effectively. The XP Aura lasts until level 80 (or cancelled), and not only buffs your XP gains to 100%, but will also buff members of your party! These auras stack with potions, so, while you’re in the store, pick up some potions! The Rep Aura boosts Reputation gains by 100% for 72 Hours, and also boosts all party members.

-                           Unique bags: Poppins’ Pretentious Purse and the Bag of Holding are 28 and 26 slot bags. They are unique, and special, so you can only buy 1 of each, but… that’s a huge inventory improvement!

-                           Runestones: These hearthstone-like items are the perfect solution for when you need to return to your home city. They require Honored, so you are most likely able to purchase the runestone for your race early on. They will teleport you to your city (for example, Orcs to Orgrimmar) and do not share a hearth CD. Available at your city’s quartermaster!

-                           Reputation Bags: Speaking of your home-town city quartermaster, They sell bags unlocked through gaining revered reputation. These 16-slotters are available through in-game gold, and are unique. Get yours today!

-                           New Mage Portals: There are 3scrolls hidden in the world that teach portals to our areas we’re focusing on for our Content release! Where are they you might ask? Well, a boss in each zone (Karazhan, Blackrock Hold, and Scholomance) holds the scroll to get these new portals to Kara, Blackrock Mountain, and Light’s Hope Chapel. Dive in, and find them before they get scaled up to 80!

-                           Riding Tomes: We heard you. Getting the gold to learn riding is a pain in the you-know-what. Now you can spend real money to buy a riding tome if you just can’t get the gold you need to ride or fly through the world!

-                           Companions: We’ve got 3 companions for sale. These powerful little guys and gal can help you continue your journey instead of grinding to a halt to clear bags or buy reagents. The helpful Magi, Aurora Goldenlight, can buy junk, sell reagents, and open portals to your factions major cities. The helpful Blacksmith, Blacksmith Gendry, can buy junk, repair items, or summon anvils and forges. Finally, the helpful Banker, Banker Dawes, allows access to your bank!

-                           NEW DRUID FORMS. Yep. That’s right! Visit your barbershop on your druid, buy and apply your new look, and BAM! You’re a fancy kitty now! (or tree, or bear, or moonkin, but… fancy kitty)

-                           NEW IN-GAME SHOP! So, why add all the new items and still be stuck in an old way of doing these transactions? Now, on your micro-bar (the one that holds Char info, talents, LFD, game menu, etc.) Is the Shop! Get your blackmane coins on the website, spend them in game on the toon you want, and it’s conveniently delivered into your mailbox. Easy!

-                           Herb and Ore nodes have been boosted, adding more to the world. It should be significantly easier to find these in Outland and Northrend specifically.

-                           Cozy Fire buff now grants Spell Power as well!

-                           Dungeon scaling: Groups smaller than five will be able to take their adventure into 5 man instances! This will make it easier to dungeon dive when there are fewer people around. They are able to scale down to a minimum of 3 players. Unfortunately, this will not work with the RDF.


That’s a major patch, and why I’m considering it patch-1. We think that your adventures will be much more fulfilling and easier now, so we hope that helps! Remember, all DP/VP help us do these major developments, so thank you for all of the support from you, our fans! We hope to continue to bring a great WotLK experience to everyone, and we’ll see you in game!


~ Khulgar/Beard